Thursday, 18 March 2010

CD review, Sep 08. Venomous Concept – Poisoned Apple CD (Century Media)

On paper, Venomous Concept is a rather stupendous, death-grind supergroup, consisting as it does of underground deities; Kevin Sharp, Shane Embury, Danny Lilker and Danny Herrera, variously of Brutal Truth and Napalm Death amongst other classic bands. This is a nice 34 minute stab of Terrorizer style grind with a punky edge, kindof a mix of Tragedy with plenty of Truth and Napalm influences as is only natural. It’s all nice and fast led by Kevin and gangs’ punk grind bellows but unfortunately it’s just a tad too derivate. Riffs tend to be of the straight forward punk variety or a little too familiar in relation to BT and ND. There’s nothing I find I can get my teeth into and the likes of the aforementioned Terrorizer, at least on their first album, rip this to shreds. It’s a fun album and if you’re a hardcore fan of the players or the genre, a completist or new to the genre, quite possibly essential, but if you already own the classics, you may find like me that this one just doesn’t have the hooks or standout moments to compete.

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