Thursday, 18 March 2010

CD review, Feb 09. Isis – Not In Rivers, But In Drops (Single) (Ipecac)

While not being Isis aficionado enough to possibly give this its due, and having both feet in the ‘I liked it when they were heavy’ camp, coupled finally, with the pretty much secure knowledge that most people know exactly what they’re getting with Isis these days… making a judgment call on this is only going to reflect my tastes and little of the band’s skill. What we do have is a 2006 album track, a live version and video of same, and twelve minute remix of the seven minute ‘Holy Tears’, four minutes of which is just ambient sound. This remix game is tough. It’s all by the book Isis and to these ears after many repeated listens, entirely unremarkable, ploddy and miserablist rock. The video might be clever if you like Tool videos or attend art school, but it leaves me cold. I’m not into singles anyway, simply a marketing tool and a waste of natural resources.

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