Thursday 18 March 2010

CD review, Dec 08. Desecration – Forensix (Metal Age Productions)

Let me come straight out and tell you that I know these guys, seen them tons and even tagged along on tour with ‘em. I like them, they are fucking good and well respected, but none of this means I’d give them a pass unless they deserved it. But they do. This is the 6th album and the guys go from strength to strength. There’s no let up on in the intensity, the intent to thrash even more relentless. Forensix is a blistering 30 minute run of typical mentalist blastbeats, buzzsaw thrash guitars and plenty of trademark catchy riff headbanging. If there’s any gripe I have it’s that the guitar sounds ever so slightly thin, though it seems less apparent once the album kicks in. Ollie’s vicious vocals are complemented by Andi’s occasional Black metal howl and Mic will still commands respect in a live setting. What Desecration bring to the table is a powerful old school Death Metal simplicity that retains heaviness and flow that many bands would do well to learn from. Long may they reign!

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