Thursday 18 March 2010

CD review, May 09. Remedy - Strange Fast Now (Remedy)

Remedy are another band that specialize in predictable melodic 80’s pub-stadium rock music that I really don’t know where to place these days. Hailing from England and intending to pay respects to the 60’s and 70’s, this is actually reminds me more of Bonnie Tyler freaking out over any 80’s MTV rock band. Singer Jenn dominates proceedings with her banshee wail in great form but a little too over the top, too often. It might be nice to let the music speak for itself now and then. Still, they’re a young band, all in their early twenties, and so I’m sure with a little restraint and focus will improve. Already out playing gigs all over and having scored a tour with Pearl (Meat Loaf’s daughter and Scott Ian’s wife!) the band have the networking skills. It’s all pleasant soft rock and so it is what it is, not my thing and nothing new, but it’s harmless enough.

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